Friday, December 09, 2016

British Politics - Pt.1

British Government is a little bewildering, so I'll try and explain everything in a few short posts. It makes it much easier for you to understand what I'm on about, especially as I'll be trying to stay in UK politics for a while. Here's an overview of how Britain works:

There are three or four main political groups, or 'parties', in the UK. They all have different views and aims, depending on how they feel the country should be managed. They are the:

  • Conservatives - the people currently in charge (they pass laws, have the biggest vote on those laws, and represent the UK overseas). They like to encourage small businesses, a disciplined community, and they prefer low tax rates. They're sometimes called the 'Tories'

  • Labour - currently the main 'opposition' party (they frequently challenge the Conservatives, and can also vote on laws, but can't pass them) They want to be much more involved with the people, encourage a more liberal community and that tax must change depending on how much money you make.

  • Liberal Democrats - A previously large party, but they lost a lot of 'seats' (the areas that vote you into parliament) in the 2015 election. They campaign for personal freedom, as well as investment into key services. They are reluctant to get directly involved with smaller companies.

  • UKIP - a more recent party that have campaigned strongly for the UK to leave the European Union (which is a group of European nations encouraging friendly relations and more open borders). They want  a much tighter immigration system, greater transparency in Parliament, and a single tax level for everyone. They're called all sorts of things, but don't really care.

Yep. That's it! Pt. 2 will be around soon. Please comment what you want me to cover after I finish these info blogs - see you soon!

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You! Yeah, you! We reckon you're gonna love this stuff as well...